ORIMA Wins Volunteering Victoria Award

When: 10 Dec 2019

On Wednesday 19th November, the Ardoch team were privileged to visit Parliament House to attend the 2019 Volunteering Victoria Awards. It was an exciting day as Ardoch was a finalist for two prestigious awards, the Employee Volunteer Program Award and the Collaboration for Community Impact Award.

We are delighted to share that our partner, ORIMA Research, who has been participating in Ardoch’s Literacy Buddies® Program since 2018 were announced a joint winner in the Employee Volunteer Program category. This Award recognises a volunteer program which delivers a significant, sustained and successful benefit to beneficiaries.

Sam the workplace coordinator for Ardoch’s Literacy Buddies® program said “ORIMA Research would like to warmly thank Ardoch for nominating us for the Employee Volunteer Program Award. We are grateful to receive this Award as recognition of the contribution the ORIMA staff have made through pro bono work and participation in the Literacy Buddies® Program over the past 2 years.

Our partnership with Ardoch has been highly valuable from both a community and company perspective. It is clear that the work Ardoch do has a positive impact on the students they work with and we are proud to contribute to this important work. Our work with Ardoch has also helped to strengthen teamwork and relationships among ORIMA staff, as well as being a lot of fun! We look forward to working with Ardoch in the years to come.”

Over the last two years, ORIMA Research has supported 47 Little Buddies from Spring Parks Primary school. During this letter writing exchange program the ORIMA Research Big Buddies gave the students a real life context to practice their writing and composition skills and helped improve their engagement in literacy. The exchange also helped build aspirations for the children by connecting them with positive working role models.

The Assistant Principal at Spring Parks Primary School said, “as a passionate advocate for authentic literacy experiences, the responses from the Big Buddies really resonates with me. Great job everyone and let’s continue to build on this!!”

We are so proud and fortunate to partner with ORIMA Research and are so grateful that they have recently committed to maintain our partnership for the next two years.

We welcome ORIMA Research and their amazing team as our newest Strategic Partner and look forward to continuing our important work to improve educational outcomes for children in disadvantaged communities together.