Numeracy Buddies

Ardoch’s Numeracy Buddies program is designed to give workplace an opportunity to support the education of children in disadvantaged communities through development of their numeracy skills.

Numeracy Buddies matches students (Little Buddies) with workplace volunteers (Big Buddies) so that they can work together to solve maths problems through an online blog. The Buddies blog every few weeks and meet once at the students’ school and once at the Big Buddies’ workplace.

The program helps children improve their maths skills by encouraging them to verbalise key concepts, and by building an understanding of how maths is used in different jobs and workplaces, making maths an interactive and fun activity. It also builds students’ aspirations by introducing them to positive working role models in various industries and professions.


  • “It’s all been going great and the kids are really loving the blogs. They look forward to it and are always asking me ‘When is it Numeracy Buddies time?”


    “I remember saying how great Numeracy Buddies has been for our students’ literacy and numeracy, but the best part has definitely been that the kids have someone interested in them.”


  • “We had the best time and we are so grateful for being allowed to participate in this amazing program”


    “I’m so happy that we get to visit you guys next week. Can’t wait to do the STEM challenge with you!”


  • “We all loved working with our little Buddies to pose practical maths question! By far the best part has been meeting them at our office and celebrating what we have achieved in the program.”

    Workplace volunteer