سلامة الأطفال إذا كنتم أنتم أو أحد الأطفال مُعرّضين لخطر مُباشر، يُرجى الاتصال برقم الطوارئ 000. تجدون في هذه الصفحة: التزامنا معلومات للأطفال معلومات للعائلات الإبلاغ التزامنا كيف نعطي الأولوية لسلامة الأطفال تلتزم مؤسسة Ardoch بحماية حق الأطفال والشبان والشابات في التمتّع بالسلامة والعافية. ونحن نعلم أن بعض الأطفال أكثر عُرضة للخطر من غيرهم. لهذا السبب نعمل بنشاط على تعزيز سلامة وعافية الأطفال والشبان والشابات الذين: هم من السكان الأصليين وسكان جزر مضيق توريس • هم من خلفيات متنوّعة ثقافياً ولغوياً • لديهم إعاقة • .+LGBTIQA ينتمون لمجتمع الميم • أو يمثّلها يتحمّل مسؤولية ضمان سلامة الأطفال وشعورهم بالأمان ومشاركتهم في Ardoch كلّ شخص يعمل مع مؤسسة .القرارات التي تؤثّر في حياتهم ما معنى هذا؟ :نعطي الأولوية لسلامة الأطفال من خلال تطبيق المبادئ الوطنية للمنظمات المعنية بسلامة الأطفال ومراقبة امتثالنا لها باستمرار • وضع سياسات وإجراءات لضمان سلامة الأطفال والتي يوجّب على جميع موظفي مؤسسة Ardoch والمتطوّعين والشركاء المجتمعيين اتباعها • .التأكد من إمكانية حصول كل شخص على التطوير المهني والدعم الذي يحتاج إليه للحفاظ على سلامة الأطفال • .السعي بشكل فعّال للحصول على التعليقات والملاحظات، وتحسين طريقة عملنا باستمرار • معلومات للأطفال .نريدك أن تشعر بالأمان .نريد أن يشعر جميع الأطفال الذين نعمل معهم بالأمان والسعادة حتى إذا كنت من السكان الأصليين أو من سكان جزر مضيق توريس، أو من ثقافة مختلفة، أو لديك إعاقة أو تنتمي لمجتمع الميم .نريد منك أن تخبرنا إذا كنت لا تشعر بالأمان أو إذا كان أي طفل آخر لا يشعر بالأمان حتى نتمكّن من مساعدتك .(000)إذا كنت معرّضاً لخطر مُباشر، اتصل برقم الطوارئ ثلاثة أصفار على الرقم Kids Helpline إذا لم تكن في خطر مباشر ولكنك تريد التحدّث إلى أحد الأشخاص، يمكنك أيضاً الاتصال بخط والتحدّث معهم 1800 55 1800 .نريدك أيضاً أن تخبرنا أو تخبر معلّمك/معلّمتك إذا كنت لا تشعر بالأمان في أحد برامج ، وكذلك ما يعجبك وما لا يعجبك في الأنشطة التي يقوم بها مقدّمو برنامج معك أو مع التلاميذ في صفك، حتى نتمكّن من تحسينها لكي تكون أفضل What are my rights? Every child has rights which are protected under The Convention on the Rights of the Child. These include the right to: Safety and protection Health Education Privacy Having a say in decisions that affect you Legal rights To be who you are If you think your rights are being violated, it’s important to speak to a trusted adult, like a parent or teacher. Information for families Everything we do at Ardoch is about improving the lives of children. Children who are safe – and feel safe- are more likely to reach their potential in the classroom. Child abuse undermines children’s physical and mental health and reduces their ability to learn. Feeling safe and secure is an important part of children’s social and emotional development. A child who feels safe will be more able to explore and experience the world around them and learn. A commitment to child safety is central to Ardoch’s mission and values. Below are some commonly asked questions and answers about how we work to keep children safe. Are your staff and volunteers screened and trained?Yes. All Ardoch staff and volunteers have a working with children check and a police check. They are also required to sign a Code of Conduct, undertake child safety training and follow our Child Safety Policy. Do you have a Child Safety Policy and Code of Conduct? Yes, we do and they are available to read here: Child Safety Policy Code of Conduct At the moment, these are only available in English, however, if you require a translator, please let us know and we will arrange for someone to assist. How can I (or my child) give feedback to the organisation?We take child safety seriously, which is why we want to hear from you if you have feedback or concerns. Whether you are a volunteer, a child, a parent, or a staff member you can email our Child Safety Officer. Email: [email protected] Call 1300 Ardoch or 03 9537 2414 or write to the us: Child Safety Officer Ardoch Level 4, 85 Queen Street, Melbourne, VIC 3000. Will Ardoch use stories or images about my child?Only with your permission. We do use stories and images about our work to inform our supporters, funders, schools and the public. If your child can be identified, we will always ask permission from yourself (parents or guardians) of the children. We will take steps to ensure that children remain safe by not providing the child’s surname, not revealing which school the child attends and, if requested, using a pseudonym. We do keep and securely store content information and images taken of children to prevent misuse.How will you store my or my child’s data?Generally, Ardoch does not store or retain any identifying or confidential information about your child. When we are scheduling activities for your child, we will collect their first name, class, and school to ensure that we can manage the program. We may also keep samples of their work and feedback they provide. There are some exceptions. • When we need to keep records of consent given by a parent or guardian for a child’s story or image to be shared. The consent form will need to be retained with the child and parents full name and contact details. • If a concern is raised about a child’s safety, or a complaint is made about a program we will need to record more detailed information about you and your child, How can I help?Protecting our children and young people from harm is everyone’s job. You can help by: • Letting children know about their rights. • Taking children’s concerns about their safety seriously. • Speaking up if you are concerned about children’s safety. If you would like to know more, please contact our Child Safety Officer. Reporting In an emergency, where there are urgent concerns for a child’s health or life, call the police using the emergency line triple zero (000). If you think that a child is at risk, it is important that you act, even if you are not entirely sure. Not only do we all have an ethical responsibility to keep children safe, but there are laws across Australia that require the reporting of harm to children in some cases. For more information on reporting requirements, please see the Australian Institute of Family Studies (AIFS) https://aifs.gov.au/cfca/publications/mandatory-reporting-child-abuse-and-neglect If you suspect a child is sexually abused, you must report it to the police as soon as possible. If you are concerned about other forms of abuse, it is essential to reach out to police or child protection in your state. What do I do if I believe a child is at risk or has been harmed by an Ardoch representative? We take your feedback and concerns about child safety seriously. If your concern relates to an activity run by Ardoch or an Ardoch representative, please report the issue as soon as possible. You can email the Child Safety Officer at [email protected], call us on 1300 Ardoch or 03 9537 2414 or write to the Child Safety Officer via Ardoch Level 4, 85 Queen Street, Melbourne, VIC 3000. What happens if a complaint is made? Any child safety concerns – including reports of abuse and harm sexual exploitation, or harassment – will be taken seriously, responded to immediately, thoroughly investigated, and reported on in accordance with our Child Safety Policy. Ardoch will ensure that any investigations will be carried out by experienced professionals. What about if I am volunteering and see or hear something that concerns me? It is mandatory for anyone connected to Ardoch (staff, volunteers, consultants etc.) to confidentially report all concerns, suspicions of allegations of abuse or harm and any breaches of our Child Safety Policy or Code of Conduct. If you are a volunteer, staff member or representative of Ardoch, you must be familiar with and follow the Child Safety Policy. Please email the Child Safety Officer at [email protected], call us on 1300 Ardoch or 03 9537 2414 or write to the Child Safety Officer via Ardoch Level 4, 85 Queen Street, Melbourne, VIC 3000.