Who we are

Ardoch is a children’s education charity focused on improving educational outcomes for children and young people in communities facing disadvantage.

Our purpose

To support children and young people from disadvantaged communities to engage in learning and believe in a future of possibilities.

Our vision

Every child’s potential is realised through full participation in education.

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Latest news

  • Double Impact Day 2020

    Double Impact Day 2020

    On June 16, Ardoch will hold our third Double Impact Day. On this day, all donations will be doubled by matched pledges from our major supporters. Your gift of $100 will become $200 or your gift of $200 will become $400. This year, we need your support more than ever before. All of us have……

  • CEO Winter Message

    CEO Winter Message

    When I began my CEO Message in our last newsletter of late March with the words ‘Life is difficult for many people right now’ little did any of us know just how truly difficult life would become for so many people in our community. Nor how disrupted education would be for all children, or how……

  • Disadvantaged schools need Ardoch’s support now more than ever

    Disadvantaged schools need Ardoch’s support now more than ever

    Right now, there are serious risks for vulnerable children, particularly in the areas that Ardoch works to improve – confidence, academic progress, aspiration, social skills, wellbeing and engagement.  We asked principals and teachers at Ardoch partner schools to share how this current health crisis is impacting their school community and why Ardoch’s programs will be……