Who we are

Ardoch is a children’s education charity focused on improving educational outcomes for children and young people in communities facing disadvantage.

Our purpose

To support children and young people from disadvantaged communities to engage in learning and believe in a future of possibilities.

Our vision

Every child’s potential is realised through full participation in education.

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Latest news

  • Meet an Astronaut

    Meet an Astronaut

    It’s not every day a student gets to meet an Astronaut at school, so it was a treat of universal proportions for Ardoch school partner students when they were offered the opportunity to attend the AMP Foundation’s Young Amplify event, featuring Canadian astronaut, Chris Hadfield. No limit on numbers certainly has to be one of……

  • CEO Summer Message

    CEO Summer Message

    They say that hindsight is 20/20 and I am sure that as the year 2020 slipped from the pages of our calendars many of us paused a moment or two to reflect on ‘the year that was’. For me, in the first few weeks back at work in January, before the pages of my own……

  • Launching Ardoch’s New Premier Strategic National Partner – Credit Suisse

    Launching Ardoch’s New Premier Strategic National Partner – Credit Suisse

    We are absolutely thrilled to announce Ardoch’s newest corporate partnership with Credit Suisse. Over three years we will be delivering and scaling our Pathways Beyond School and Robotics programs into fourteen partner secondary schools in Victorian and New South Wales communities facing disadvantage. Through this ground breaking partnership, we expect to support nearly 10,000 vulnerable……